What I Do
Forging a path towards
a sustainable world
Through VivirDescalzo, I want to bring my vision and your vision of a sustainable, just world, to life.
Extensive experience educating children to adults and supporting sustainability experts along their journey.
Helping local, national and global communities transition to Wellbeing, Circular, Creative, Blue and Green Economies.
Supporting entities develop visioning, Theory of Change framework, backcasting and systems thinking.
Advising businesses on transitioning to a circular economy and connecting to resource centers, partners and support structures for sustainable development.
Perspective is the most powerful tool you have
Fixing our economy will also mean fixing the food system
Thoughts from the Wellbeing Economy Festival
Serving society rather than growth Business in a wellbeing economy (by Lorenzo Fioramonti and Just
Envisioning sustainable neighbourhoods (Guest Author: Reinhold Mangundu)